Saturday, February 28, 2009

Release Push + What Jacob Said Lyrics

Abnormally Attracted to Sin was originally intended to hit stores later this month, with the lead single getting a digital release in only a week. Universal and Tori are apparently in talks of doing a dual release with the original album as well as a remix album. Now the hunt for musicians and programmers to remix tracks has begun. As far as I know, the release is still going to be digital only along with "download cards." The lead single will likely remain the same, but perhaps a remix will be co-released? Expect the album sometime between the second half of April and the first half of May.

15. What Jacob Said (5:23)
a lady was found
face up in the water
she said
don't drink the water
because of mercury
but every baby in the village
was baptized in the water
by word and by law
and by bodyguards
is what i should've thought about then but
i drew up a diagram
to display the proper course of action
to the velocity point
i need to find his holy word

i can feel you in my bones
and your scriptures have eluded me
this one time
at least this one time
clear the woods and call the hunter
is What Jacob Said
when he wanted me
bound and broken

a lady was found
face up in the water

i can feel you in my bones
and your scriptures have eluded me
this one time
at least this one time
clear the woods and call the hunter
is What Jacob Said
when he wanted me
bound and broken

as a girl of my word
i am a biological catastrophe
and in
and of itself
i can tear you to pieces
and you will be none the wiser
and when he analyzes her
with her legs
and he may go inside that well
that ocean
that poisonous potion

i can feel you in my bones
and your scriptures have eluded me
this one time
at least this one time
clear the woods and call the hunter
is What Jacob Said
when he wanted me
bound and broken


i can feel you in my bones
and your scriptures have eluded me
this one time
at least this one time
clear the woods and call the hunter
is What Jacob Said
when he wanted me
bound and broken
and broken
and broken


  1. como vc é criativo

  2. *claps*

    How creative for a fake blog.

    The more posts you do, the more contradicting you get. Dude, give it up. Most people already know it by now that none of this is true.
